Portfolio optimiser builds efficient portfolios.

Annualised Return | Peak Risk | Alpha | |
From 1 Jan, 2016 to {{navDt}} | |||
{{bMarkName}} optimised portfolio | {{optAnnRet}}% | {{optPeakRsk}}% | {{opt_a}}X |
{{bMarkName}} equal allocation portfolio | {{eqAnnRet}}% | {{eqPeakRsk}}% | {{eq_a}}X |
US equity mutual funds | {{MF}}% | {{MF_r}}% | {{MF_a}}X |
S&P 500 | {{BmarkAnnRet}}% | {{BmarkPeakRsk}}% |
Get access to US portfolio optimiser along with recommendations.
Discover good instruments to invest in by running the optimiser across the more than 100+ built-in investment themes and sectors.
The recommendation feature helps you discover new instruments that can improve your portfolio's performance.
Optimizing creates an efficient portfolio that selects instruments (from the ones you have shortlisted) and their allocations with the goal of generating better risk-adjusted returns.